These are important working days with our ABC Italia President Marco Espa and our head of studies and research center Dr Francesca Palmas, present for the European day of persons with disabilities, held in Brussels. The European Strategy 2021-2030 guides policies towards full inclusion of people with disabilities. Lucie Davoine Head of Disability DG EMPL, European Commission speaks clearly de-institutionalization processes to allow all people with disabilities to choose where, how and with whom they live. The European Day of Persons with Disabilities 2024 was organized in Brussels by the European Commission with the contribution of EDF (European Disability Forum). The president of ABC Italia Marco Espa has intervened calling for an emergency plan with extraordinary resources in order to guarantee 100% of people with disabilities in Europe an independent life project and deinstitutionalization paths. Europe and nation states have been able to draw out extraordinary resources, such as for the fight against COVID and for support to Ukraine. Some indicators – for example the growth of institutionalisation in countries like France – are worrying. It is not only a human rights problem or the ageing of the European population (in 1995 an over 80 was 1 in 30 people, we are about to reach 1 in 9) the fact that it is also economically unsustainable to believe that the answer is to lock fragile people away in separate places.At the same time, people with disabilities and their families cannot be abandoned. Emergency now because, without all funded life plans, we will find ourselves in a large part of the European territory within 15 years in disarray. The good institutional practices now in place in many public institutions (such as the public co-designed personalized plans in Sweden as in Hamburg or Sardinia, the framework law 227/21 in Italy etc.) tell us that it can be done.